About Us

  • $2 Delivery
  • We come to you.
  • Refill Fast
  • Wait times less than 10 minutes
  • Personalized Care
  • When you call, you speak to a person.
  • Locally Owned
  • Serving the community for over 125+ years.

Davison Drug & Stationery combines high quality products with personalized care. Our knowledgeable staff is happy to help you with any questions you may have. We strive to help you reach your health and wellness goals.

Specialized Services:

Our Team

Frank Davison - Owner, Pharmacist.jpg

Frank Davison

Owner, Pharmacist

Kylie Word - PharmTech, Pharmacy Operations.jpg

Kylie Miller

PharmTech, Pharmacy Operations

Lilia Bautista - PharmTech, OTC Dept. Manager.jpg

Lilia Bautista

PharmTech, OTC Dept. Manager

Esmeralda Gil - Pharmacy Operations, Espanol Liason.jpg

Esmeralda Gil

Pharmacy Operations, Espanol Liason

Viri Ferreira - Pharmacy Clerk.jpg

Viri Ferreira

Pharmacy Clerk

Patti Steidlmayer  - Gift Dept.Manager.jpg

Patti Steidlmayer

Gift Dept.Manager

Rachael Paiz - Stationery Dept. Manager.jpg

Rachael Paiz

Bookkeeper, Stationery Dept. Manager


Nadya Rico Bedolla

Pharmacy Clerk